by Moises Garza

October 10, 2012

Last Names of Nuevo Leon

The following is the 1669 Church Death Record of my 11th great grandfather Blas de la Garza. The following is a very interesting document, it indicates he left a will and also that some services in his memory should be performed in Mexico City. Hope I get to find his will some day. It is interesting to note that his wife is lsites as Beatris de la Garza but her last name was Gonzalez.

Cut out of original image:

Transcription of above image:

Blas de la Garza Espanol

En veinte y uno de Maio Febrero demil y seiscientos y Sesenta y nueve anos, murio el Capan. Blas Maria de la Garza Haviendo confessado y recivio todos los Santos Sacramtos, testo ante el Capan. Juan Cabassos, Alcalde ordino. desta ciudad  y con comisson. del F. Gonz. D. Nicolas de Arcaraza le mando enterrar en la Yglesia de San Franco. con missa de cuerpo presente y vigilia dos novenarios cantados, Esto en dicho convto. otro en La parroquial desta ciudad y cincuenta missas rezadas, con otras veinte y cinco en el altar del paredon dela ciudad de Mexco: fueron su albacos; Beatris de la Garza su mujer y Juan de la Garza y lo firme.
Cando – y no vale = tedo. maio = no vale

Franco. de Loera

Source: FamilySearch

The 7th We Are Cousins Virtual Genealogy Conference Took Place September 11-13, 2024

About the author 

Moises Garza

I have doing my family genealogy since 1998. I am also the creator of this blog We Are Cousins, and the Mexican Genealogy blog. To always be up to date with both of these sites follow me on Facebook or visit visit my personal website at If you are lookign to hire a professional geenalogist please visit my Services page.

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